Author: Kim McCarthy

  • The Monarch needs you

    The Monarch needs you

    This little guy is a future Monarch butterfly. Here he is seen crawling up milkweed I planted as a desperate measure to do my part to save this magnificent species. The thing is, since 1990 the count of Monarchs is down by almost a billion in our country. Loss of habitat due to development, planting […]

  • Honey bees under attack

    Honey bees under attack

    Next meal time, think about every third bite you take. Every third mouthful is related in some way to bee pollination…at least at this moment. Our country is losing honey bees at alarming rates, which will affect food production. Without bees, we don’t eat. You can help reverse this devastating trend. Read on. What is […]

  • Thanks for the memories

    Thanks for the memories

    Here is a bird’s-eye-view of a Valley Oak sitting smack dab in the middle of an Ojai road. The oak is protected, so the road must have expanded around it to handle more traffic.   Hmmm. That theme of city encroachment rings a bell. Remember? Happy children grow up in The Little House by Virginia […]

  • What are you doing to help creation?

    What are you doing to help creation?

    It can seem a bit overwhelming, don’t you think? Saving some species from extinction, getting energy companies to lessen pollution, preserving the rain forests, and all the rest of the work needing to be done can stop you in your tracks. Can my efforts make a dent? (The answer to this question is at the end […]

  • Tree meets tree

    Tree meets tree

    So, recently a big flatbed pulled up to our driveway to deliver a new resident to our neighborhood: Electric Pole 1781856 . This pole was replacing an old pole whose name I didn’t catch before they took it away. A problem quickly arose. Seems a young Coast Live Oak was coexisting with the old pole nicely. […]